Keisoku Giken-Measuring instrument (Model: RM-103)

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World's Epoch-making Instruments which can measure p-p Ripple Noise, p-p Noise of Switching Power Supply by digital Measurement. (up to 100MHz)

CE Marking

  • AC Ripple Noise and Switching Ripple can be measured independently.
  • Human reading errors can be completely eliminated.
  • Only one Ripple Noise Meter which conforms to the Standard of JEITA , Electronic Industories Association of Japan
  • Only one Ripple Noise Meter which can measure faster noise up tp 100MHz
  • Automatic Ripple Ratio* Selection Function *:Ripple Ratio is Parameter to measure p-p Ripple Noise accurately.


Ripple Noise or Noise Measurement has been though as trouble making, because Oscilloscope won't detect peak of Ripple Noise or Measured data may be changed if an Operator read such data with an Oscilloscope. Actually some noise measurement tools are available but these never covers faster Ripple and Noise more than 50MHz. Using narrow band tool makes no sense for high speed noise which can gave undesired effect for equipments.

Now you can terminate such trouble completely. RM-103 can measure p-p Ripple Noise and p-pNoise accurately and automatically by GP-IB and manually. With SC-82 Scanner, Multiple Input up to 16 channelcan be applied . You can select Input channel of SC-82 via RM-103 by GP-IB for p-p Ripple Noise and p-p Noise measurement. 
Also you can add DP-100 Differential Probe to eliminate Common Mode Noise. 
Of course all these family covers wide band range up to 100MHz

Put Oscilloscope away to released from caos of operator's skill and mis-measurement. 
Now you can get high-performance and reasonable-cost tool RM-103 for your factory.

DC Volt. Measurement
Range +-6.0000V +-60.000V +-500.00V
Resolution 0.1mV 1.0mV 10.0mV
Accuracy(*5) +-0.025% of rdg. +-0.025% of f.s.
Max. Applied Volt. +-500V
Measurement Time less than 90ms(Fast Mode)/less than250ms(Slow Mode)
Ripple Noise Measurement
Ranges 300.0mVp-p 3000mVp-p
Resolution 0.1mV 1.0mV
Accuracy(*1,*2,*3) +-2% of rdg. +-1% of f.s.
Nominal Bandwidth 100MHz
LF Bandwidth 50Hz – 2KHz
HF Bandwidth 2KHz-
THRU Bandwidth 50Hz-100MHz
Band Pass Filter 20MHz
Ripple Ratio(*3) 0.0% – 50% (Resolution 0.5%)
Measurement Time approx.170ms (TYP)
Allowed Input 4Vp-p
Input Condition?
Impedance DC:1MOhm,High Frequency :50Ohm
Input Cable 50Ohm Signal Cable RG-58/Differential Probe DP-100
GP-IB Conform to IEEE488-1987?
PASS/FAIL Judgment PhotoCoupler Output same Common (14 pin Connector)
Start Trigger PhotoCoupler Input same Common (14 pin Connector)
4CH Output? Photo Coupler Output forSC-81 Control
Input Connector BNC Connector
Other Function Automatic RipplNoise Ratio Selection Function
Input Voltage AC90-264V(50Hz/60Hz)
Consumption Power Weight 20VA approx.1.7kg
Dimensions 180(W)x85(H)x300(D)

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