Anritsu-Synthesized Signal Generator (Model MG3641A)

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  • Frequency Range
    • 125 kHz to 1041 MHz
  • Fine resolution
    • 0.01 Hz
    • 0.01 dB
  • High Signal Purity
    • -100 dBc Spurious
  • Excellent carrier frequency stability
  • High output levels
    • + 17 dBm across full frequency range
    • Overdrive mode to +23 dBm


Anritsu developed the MG3641A Synthesized Signal Generators to meet the need for higher signal purity at higher frequencies.

The MG3641A covers the frequency range of 125 kHz to 1040 MHz with non-harmonic spurious of only –100 dBc.

A full lineup of easy-to-use versatile functions in a compact cabinet makes the MG3641A an essential tool for high-frequency measurement.

Anritsu synthesizer technology permits frequencies to be set with a resolution of 0.01 Hz across the full frequency range.

A unique low-noise YIG oscillator produces a high-purity signal with SSB phase noise of better than -130 dBc/Hz (1 GHz, 20 kHz offset) making this signal generator excellent for radio receiver interference testing and as sources for reference signals.


  • Calibration Standard
  • Signal Generator


10 MHz reference oscillator Improves stability and accuracy
Pulse Modulator Fast rise time and repetition rate
AF synthesizer* Sine-wave, triangular, square and saw tooth waveforms
0.01 Hz to 400 kHz, 0.01 Hz resolution
FSK Encoder* 2 or 4 level FSK
Pattern Generator* Create digital patterns to modulate
*Only two of the starred three may be installed simultaneously.

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 02873000184 | Anritsu-Synthesized Signal Generator (Model MG3641A) .

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