Fast Logging Bump Test Station now with Portable Printer

The new portable printer for the Dräger (Germany) Bump Test Station logs daily functional tests of gas detection devices within 10 seconds.

The functionality of gas measurement or gas alarm instruments must be checked regularly. During these tests, several aspects are checked: Does the measurable gas flow through the dust and water filters to the sensor? Is the sensor calibrated correctly? Do the alarms work? Are they correctly set? Is there compliance with the country-specific regulations and recommendations? To achieve a reliable and correct measurement or to guarantee a warning of gas hazards the device must be tested with a known gas concentration before a relevant measurement can ensure safety. A Dräger calibration cylinder with the gas to be measured is connected to the Dräger Bump Test Station. During the tests, the sensor reaction and device alarms functionality are checked.

The portable printer enables a fast logging of functional tests. The measured data is saved and can be transferred to a computer via a network connection.

Should a device fail the functionally test, it can be recalibrated using the ‘auto repair’ function.

The portable printer can be used with Bump Test Modules for the Dräger Pac series (1000, 3000, 5000 and 7000) and the Dräger X-am series (1100, 1700, 2000, 5000 and 7000).

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