Nguyên lý hoạt động của thiết bị đo mức bùn trong các bể chứa- Ultrasonic Sludge Blanket Level Meter WESS ENV100


The ENV100 Ultrasonic Sludge Blanket Level Meter manufactured by WESS, utilizes enhanced ultrasonic technology to measure the sludge interface level in various types of clarifiers, settling tanks and thickeners with superior accuracy and reliability. The instrument continuously provides the user with important information which includes numeric & graphic screens representing the distance to the blanket, an echo profile image to ensure correct configuration during commissioning and saved data analysis.

It can detect unclear sludge layers in a purifying tank, thickener, etc. with a high degree of accuracy. The sensor is excellent in maintainability and reliability!

It can detect unclear sludge layers in a purifying tank, thickener, etc. with a high degree of accuracy. The sensor is excellent in maintainability and reliability!
  • It enables continuous and real-time measurement.
  • An economical system is available so that 4 sensors can be connected at the maximum.
  • It is provided with a logger that can store 400 days’ data at the maximum.
  • Wiring cost can be reduced by the optional wireless system.
  • Maintenance loads can be reduced significantly by the automatic cleaning method.

INO Measure Co.,Ltd

98/31B, Linh Dong Street, Linh Dong Ward

Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City,  Vietnam

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Tel:   (84) (8) 37200184

Fax:  (84) (8) 37200197

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