A&D-RHEOVIBRON Automatic Dynamic Viscoelastometer (Model:DDV-01FP / 25FP)

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For measurement of the dynamic modulus of viscoelasticity of high polymers like plastic, rubber and complex material, tensile method, shear method and 3-point bending methoud can be applied in accordance with shape and elasticity of testpiece.

High load system DDV-25FP for test piece of sheet, plate and bar shapes
Fine load system DDV-01FP for test piece of film, fiber and paint film

This device is one of the simplest and the orthodox-system dynamic visxoelastometers of non-rssonance forced vibration method. The wide temperature range (-150 degree Celsius to 400 degree Celsius) and forced vibration method enables optional selection of testing frequency within 0.01~110 Hz and also measured of strain dispersion. Furhter, many data from one testpiece can be obtained due to possible switching for constant amplitude control or constant load control and wider range of measurement.

At the testing, applying forced vibaration strain to one end of testpiece, ccompute and output the complex modulus (E*), dynamic modulus of elasticity (E'), loss elasticity (E'') and loss tangent (tan δ) which are elasticity function from stress appeared on the testpiece. These functions of high polymer materialas are measured continuously varying from low to high environmental temperature and the material characteristics acan be accurately and easily evaluated.

RHEOVIBRON, as a representative automatic measuring system of dynamic viscoelasticity, is being used in various contires for many years in the fields of research and development for dynamic characteristics and quality inspection control.

Viscoelasticity characteristics of duplex structure material as coat material can be measured.
With application of various jigs, wider range of viscoelaticity ratio can be measured.
Accroding to the change of characteristics of the testpiece, automatic switching function for testing control works from constant amplitude control to constant load control.
Frequency characteristics range is wide as 0.01 to 100Hz.
Frequency measuring points are many as 137.
Vibration amplitude is available in the ranges of ±4~±160µm(01FP), ±8~±250µm(25FP) and±500µm(*25FP as optional)
Plenty optional function such as various testing jigs, piezoelectricity measurement, stress/ relaxation measurement and creep testing
Software for application of optional items such as mater curve, activated energy, Tg (tanδ) automatic/manual detection and Tg (E') manual detection.
Set-up for the most suitable testing condition by pretension function is possible.
FP series offer much information with substantial function
Assortment of vibration mode & temperature control (both for 01FP & 25FP)
Master wave Isochronous
Applicable to research/ development and quality inspection for temperature-dependence (-150 degree Celsius ~ + 400 degree Celsius), cycle dependence (0.01 ~ 110Hz), amplitude-dependence of heat-resisting material and sound absorbing material.

DDV-FP series is a dynamic viscoelasticity measuring system with non-resonance forced vibration method and consists of measurement operation block, high/low constant temperature chamber, main unit, power unit (for 25FP), data processing device and various testing jigs (optional items).
Applying the most suitable tension to one end of a loaded testpiece with automatic tension function, and adding the dynamic displacement like sin wave vibaration Ao sin Ωt (sinusoidal stress) as a forced power, detects dynamic load appeared on the other end of the testpiece. By processing tosignal and computing the dynamic strain anddynamic stress, measures complex modulus of elasticity E*, dynamic modulus of elasticy E', loss modulus of elasticity E'' and loss tangent tanδas dynamic mechanical characteristics of the testpiece. Furthe, changing condition under atmosphere environmental condition, tests and outputs the data to the CRT display at the same tiem.

System configuration
Model of system DDV-01FP system DDV-01FP system
Measurement operation block RHEO-1001 RHEO-1002
High/low constant temperature chamber RHEO-1041 RHEO-1042
Main Unit RHEO-1021 RHEO-1021
Power Unit RHEO-1023
Data processing device RHEO-1081 RHEO-1082
Jigs for DSA method
Jigs for shear of solid
Jigs for shear of melt
Jigs for compression
Fixed end bending jig
Rack for personal computer
Desk for measurement
System block diagram
Click to enlarge
Application of RHEOVIBRON
RHEOVIBRON meets in a wide range the requirements of the advanced technology from various analization to the practical application.
Application of RHEOVIBRON
Special jisg for expansion and perfection of function
Jig for DDV-01FP
Easy setting to cramp according to testpiece and test purpose
(1) Elongation jig (standard)
(2) Shearing jis for solid
(3) DSA method jig
Jig for DDV-25FP
Easy setting to cramp for expansion of function according to test piece
(1) Elongation jig (standard)
(2) Shearing jis for solid
(3) DSA method jig
(4) Compression type jig
(5) Free-end 3-point bending jig
(6) Fixed-end 3-point bending jig
Item DDV-01FP DDV-25FP
Messurable range of dynamic modules of elasticity 0.05 ~ 1.6 x 105 Mpa
(5 x 105~ 1.6 x 1012 dyne/cm2)
0.05 ~ 5 x 105 Mpa
(5 x 105~ 1.6 x 1012 dyne/cm2)
Measurable range of tan δ ±0.001 ~ ±9.999 (resolution 0.0001) ±0.001 ~±9.999 (resolution 0.0001)
Measuring frequency 0.01 ~ 110Hz (137points) 0.01 ~ 110Hz (137points)
Dynamic vibration range ±4 ~±160µm ±8 ~±250µm (±500µm optional)
Measuring range o dynamic load ±3 x 10-4~ 1N (approx. ±0.03gf ~±100gf) ±0.01 ~±25N (approx. 1gf ~±2500gf)
Testpiece size 10 ~ 60 mm(L), 1~4mm(W), 0.005~0.5mm(T) 10 ~ 70 mm(L), 1~10mm(W), 0.1~5mm(T)
Test jig Elongation, shearing (for solid),
DSA method
Elongation, compression, bending, shearing (for solid), DSA method
High/low temperature ture chamber -150°C ~ +400°C
±2°C at -150°C, ±4°C at +400°C
Isochronous temprature rise, Step temperature rise, Constant temperature
0.5 ~ 10°C/min (upto 300°C)
0.5 ~ 9°C/min (upto 400°C)
step width more than 10°C
-150°C ~ +400°C
±2°C at -150°C, ±4°C at +250°C, ±6°C at +400°C
Isochronous temprature rise, Step temperature rise, Constant temperature
0.5 ~ 10°C/min (upto 300°C)
0.5 ~ 9°C/min (upto 400°C)
step width more than 10°C
Data process Personal
computer Temperature dispersion behavior test
Strain dispersion test Age-based behavior test
Personal computer
Temperature dispersion behavior test
Strain dispersion test
Age-based behavior test
Power supply 100V AC ± 10% 1o 50/60Hz approx. 1300VA 100V AC ± 10% 1o 50/60Hz approx. 1800VA Air Compression 400kPa approx. 35 lit/min
Dimension and weight Measurement operating block & high/low temperature chamber
620 (Width) x 620 (Height) x 590 (Depth) mm approx. 150kg
Data processor approx. 50kg
Measurement operating block & high/low temperature chamber
720 (Width) x 620 (Height) x 590 (Depth) mm approx. 200kg
Data processor approx. 50kg
Both models require MSAT for data processing.
MSAT (Multi Signal Analysis Testing)
Data processing software

The MSAT series is equipped with functions for not only testing machine operation but also data analysis, calculation and data storage for each testing mode. The operator can use a variety of viscoelasity measurement functions depending on the purpose of the test.

PC operation environment OS: Windows XP Professional. Program size: 80Mb or smaller. Memory requirement: 512Mb or over. Authority requirement: Administrator authority. USB: One USB port. Display resolution: 800×600 dots or higher color display.
Lưu ý: Nếu một thiết bị nào đó không được liệt kê ở đây, điều đó không có nghĩa rằng chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn về thiết bị đó. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết danh sách đầy đủ về thiết bị mà chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ và cung cấp.
INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD info@ino.com.vn | 02873000184 | A&D-RHEOVIBRON Automatic Dynamic Viscoelastometer (Model:DDV-01FP / 25FP).

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