Kikusui- Electrostatic Discharge Simulator (Model:KES4021A/4022A)

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Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a very common phenomenon. Yet, if the resulting arc current or electromagnetic wave were to flow through the circuits of an electrical or electronic device, the result could be a malfunctioning or even a breakdown. The IEC and other standardization bodies have been investigating ways of preventing this problem for many years, producing a Series of standards addressing methods and rules related to electrostatic discharge immunity testing. Recent years have seen an increased need for a means of performing discharge tests not only on domestic appliances, but also on automotive equipment. The KES4021A/4022A simulator allows you to perform immunity tests on an electrical or electronic device by simulating a direct or indirect electrostatic discharge from a charged human operator.


  • Electrostatic discharge simulator that complies with the EN/IEC61000-4-2 standard
    KES4021A/4022A is a slim, lightweight electrostatic discharge simulator that complies with the EN/IEC61000-4-2 standard.
  • Maximum testing voltage of ±30 kV exceeds all prescribed test levels
    The simulator can produce a maximum testing voltage of ±30 kV, allowing testing at higher levels than those required by the IEC standard Level 4 (± 15 kV). This allows you to identify the limit voltages at which the product being tested either malfunctions or breaks down.
  • Support of ISO 10605 standard (*1)
    By fitting a different CR unit and discharge chip in the discharge gun, you can use the simulator to produce the waveform prescribed in the ISO 10605 standard, which specifies electrostatic discharge test methods for evaluating electronic modules for automotive use.

(*1)The main unit of the electrostatic discharge (ESD) simulator does not adopt floating output. The ISO10605 Standards specify that generators must feature floating output. However, for safety reasons, the KES4021A does not adopt floating output.


Model Specification
KES4022A Complies with the EN/IEC61000-4-2 standard, Maximum testing voltage of +/-30 kV exceeds required test levels, Easy-to-use panel design, Supports a wide range of electrostatic standards. Capable to edit the operation mode from the PC using the application software (standard accessory). Front panel setting is also possible.
> Manual…
KES4021A Complies with the EN/IEC61000-4-2 standard, Maximum testing voltage of +/-30 kV exceeds required test levels, Easy-to-use panel design, Supports a wide range of electrostatic standards.
> Manual.

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