AOIP-field pressure calibrator with high accuracy 0.01% (Model:CALYS 80P)

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 CALYS 80P is a field pressure calibrator within CALYS range with high accuracy of 0.01%. CALYS are the perfect tools for advanced process maintenance and use on test bench in non-hazardous areas. Suitable for all field and lab measurements, CALYS 80P is dedicated to simultaneous measurement and generation over two isolated channels of pressure and process signals. It can also measure resistance signals and resistive probes.

Providing extended functionalities (temperature simulation, scaling, steps, synthesizer, statistical functions…) and audit trails, CALYS series makes advanced data exploitation and full data traceability easier. CALYS can store and recall up to 10 complete instrument configurations with manual or automatic recall for easy and quick work in the field and more than 1,500 measurements with date and time.

The dual channel display allows a simultaneous indication of the measured and the simulated values. The graphic mode allows the trend to be displayed.

Specifications and performances in temperature @23°C ±5°C

Uncertainty is given in % of reading (CALYS 80P display) + fixed value.

Resistive probes: Measurement and simulation

Sensor Range (Input and Output) Resolution Accuracy / 1 year
Pt100 (= IEC) -200°C to +850°C 0.01°C 0.01% RDG + 0.05°C
Pt100 (= OIML) -200°C to +850°C 0.01°C 0.01% RDG + 0.05°C
Pt100 (= 3926) -200°C to +850°C 0.01°C 0.01% RDG + 0.05°C
Pt100 (= 3902) -200°C to +650°C 0.01°C 0.01% RDG + 0.05°C
Pt100 (= JIS SAMA) -200°C to +600°C 0.01°C 0.01% RDG + 0.05°C
Pt200 (= 3851) -200°C to +850°C 0.1°C 0.01% RDG + 0.15°C
Pt500 (= 3851) -200°C to +850°C 0.1°C 0.01% RDG + 0.1°C
Pt1000 (= IEC) -200°C to +850°C 0.1°C 0.01% RDG + 0.1°C
Pt1000 (= OIML) -200°C to +850°C 0.1°C 0.01% RDG + 0.1°C
Cu10 (= 427) -70°C to +150°C 0.1°C 0.01% RDG + 0.4°C
Cu100 (= 428) -180°C to +150°C 0.1°C 0.01% RDG + 0.05°C
Ni100 (= 618) -60°C to +180°C 0.1°C 0.01% RDG + 0.05°C
Ni120 (= 672) 0°C to +150°C 0.1°C 0.01% RDG + 0.05°C

Connections: 2, 3 and 4 wires

Rtd measurement excitation current: 0.2 mA

Rtd cable compensation: up to 100 mΩ (for each wire)

Rtd cable compensation error (Pt100): ±0.005°C/ of total wire

Maximum load resistance: 600 Ω @ 20 mA 

Specifications and performances in pressure @23°C ±5°C


Pressure media: AISI 316 SS compatible fluids (water, gas, and oil)

Temperature compensation: Automatic with built-in calibration matrix

Engineering units: mbar, bar, hPa, kPa, Mpa, kg/cm2, kg/m2, psi, mmH2O, cmH2O, mH2O, Torr, atm, lb/ft2, inH2O, FTH2O, mmHg, cmHg, mHg, inHg

Accuracy: accuracies given for 1 year, include non linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability.

Temperature coefficient inside the temperature compensated range: ±0.002% RDG /°C

Compensation range: 0°C to 45°C 

Measurement by internal pressure module

Reference Range Resolution
IPM000100G -100 / 100 mbar Gauge 0.001 mbar
IPM000500G -500 / 500 mbar Gauge 0.01 mbar
IPM002000G -0.95 / 2 bar Gauge 0.01 mbar
IPM007000G -0.95 / 7 bar Gauge 0.1 mbar
IPM020000G -0.95 / 20 bar Gauge 0.1 mbar
IPM002000A 2 bar Absolute 0.01 mbar
IPM020000A 20 bar Absolute 0.1 mbar

Accuracy: ±0.025% F.S.

Overpressure: 125% F.S.

Port: female, 1/8" BSP 

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