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The 909 economically-priced Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers are the workhorse of calibration laboratories all over the world. The wide temperature ranges from -200°C to 670°C and economic pricing make these thermometers ideal for the secondary laboratory.


The 909 economically-priced Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers are the workhorse of calibration laboratories all over the world. The wide temperature ranges from -200°C to 670°C and economic pricing make these thermometers ideal for the secondary laboratory. For smaller uncertainties to suit the Primary Laboratory refer to the 670 SPRTs.

The resistance element is of pure platinum, coiled and mounted in a strain free construction. The former is of pure alumina material and all parts have been pre-aged to eliminate contamination and strain. All joints are welded to minimize resistance changes. The leads are brought to a handle assembly where they are connected to a low loss cable, 2 m long and screened.

The 909Q model has a Quartz sheath while the 909L and 909H have metal sheaths. Quartz glass thermometers have the advantage that the internal components are visible and can be inspected and continue to be our recommended models. The low temperature models have excellent immersion characteristics and a significant cost saving when compared to the higher temperature models.

Three thermometer lengths are available, standard length 480 mm, extra length 550 mm or maximum length 600 mm.

Models 25.5 Ω:

Reference Temperature range Sheath Diameter Length Sensing length Construction Standard Notes
909Q/25/480 -200 to 670°C Quartz 7.5 mm 480 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90 Recommended secondary standard SPRT
909Q/25/550 -200 to 670°C Quartz 7.5 mm 550 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90
909Q/25/600 -200 o 670°C Quartz 7.5 mm 600 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90
909H/25/480 -80 to 670°C Metal 6 mm 480 mm 65 mm Sealed ITS-90 Internal alumina tube protects sensor from contamination
909H/25/550 -80 to 670°C Metal 6 mm 550 mm 65 mm Sealed ITS-90
909H/25/600 -80 to 670°C Metal 6 mm 600 mm 65 mm Sealed ITS-90
909L/25/480 -200 to 165°C Metal 6 mm 480 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90 Optimized for low temperatures, less stem conduction due to internal construction
909L/25/550 -200 to 165°C Metal 6 mm 550 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90
909L/25/600 -200 to 165°C Metal 6 mm 600 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90

Models 100 Ω:

Reference Temperature range Sheath Diameter Length Sensing length Construction Standard Notes
909Q/100/480 -200 to 550°C Quartz 7.5 mm 480 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90 Recommended secondary standard SPRT
909Q/100/550 -200 to 550°C Quartz 7.5 mm 550 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90
909Q/100/600 -200 to 550°C Quartz 7.5 mm 600 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90
909H/100/480 -80 to 550°C Metal 6 mm 480 mm 65 mm Sealed ITS-90 Internal alumina tube protects sensor from contamination
909H/100/550 -80 to 550°C Metal 6 mm 550 mm 65 mm Sealed ITS-90
909H/100/600 -80 to 550°C Metal 6 mm 600 mm 65 mm Sealed ITS-90
909L/100/480 -200 to 165°C Metal 6 mm 480 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90 Optimized for low temperatures, less stem conduction due to internal construction
909L/100/550 -200 to 165°C Metal 6 mm 550 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90
909L/100/600 -200 to 165°C Metal 6 mm 600 mm 65 mm Sealed with dry oxygen / argon mix ITS-90

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 02873000184 | AOIP-SECONDARY STANDARD PLATINUM RESISTANCE THERMOMETERS.

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