QuadTech Inc-Digital Power Meters (Model: 66201 and 66202)

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Chroma's Digital Power Meters are designed for both single-phase and multiple phase measurements of AC power signals and related parameters common to most electronic products. Instead of traditional analog measurement circuits the 66200 Digital Power Meter uses state-of-the-art DSP digitizing technology. The internal 16 bits analog/digital converters with sampling rates of up to 200KHz provide both high speed and high accuracy measurements which is unprecedented within the industry for this class of power meters current on the market.

See how CNET used our 66202 Power Meter to test TV power consumption!

Key Features

  • 10mA minimum current range & 1mW power resolution
  • Meets ENERGY STAR /IEC 62301 measurement requirements
  • Accumulated energy methods for unstable power measurements
  • Dual current shunt design provides high accuracy over a wide current range
  • Interface options: USB or GPIB

Product Description

The instruments include a four part display with 7-segment LED front panel readouts. Users can easily select desired parameters and readouts at a touch of a button. Instruments also include optional remote control using USB or GPIB interfaces via rear panel connections.

The 66201 Digital Power Meter is packaged in a 2U high, half rack enclosure suitable for bench top or system integration. The Model 66201 Digital Power Meter includes simple measurement functions designed for low power applications (maximum current 2A).

Model 66202 Digital Power Meter includes a 2-shunt design to provide highly accurate readings for both low and high current measurements. In addition to the parameters measured by Model 66201, the 66202 includes Inrush current, Total Harmonic Distortion of V/I, and Energy measurements. With these practical functions, The Model 66202 is suitable for the most demanding of R&D and quality control departments.

CE   Energystar

66202 Product Overview Video


Digital Power Meter Information

Chroma - 66202 The instruments include a four part display with 7-segment LED front panel readouts. Users can easily select desired parameters and readouts at a touch of a button. Instruments also include optional remote control using USB or GPIB interfaces via rear panel connections. The 66200 is packaged in a 2U high, half rack enclosure suitable for benchtop or system integration.

The Model 66201 includes simple measurement functions designed for low power applications (maximum current 2A). Examples of these devices are AC adapters, battery chargers, LCD monitors, and similar devices. Included measurement data is:

  • Voltage : Vrms, Vpeak+, Vpeak-
  • Current : Irms, Ipeak+, Ipeak-
  • Power : Watts, Power Factor, Apparent Power VA, Reactive Power VAR
  • Current Crest Factor & Frequency

The Model 66202 includes a 2-shunt design to provide highly accurate readings for both low and high current measurements. In addition to the parameters measured by Model 66201, the 66202 includes Inrush current, Total Harmonic Distortion of V/I, and Energy measurements. With these practical functions, The Model 66202 is suitable for the most demanding of R&D and quality control departments.

66200 series provides 3 methods for measuring. A simple Average method can provide a visual stable value but it still may lose some transient data. A Window Mode method that calculates all data within the user-defined window time is recommended. An accumulated energy approach method (i.e. Integration method) for power measurement is also provided. It calculates active power value by integrating energy is suitable for ENERGY STAR measurement requirement.

66200 power meter

66202 Digital Power Meter can measure voltage and current Total-Harmonic-Distortion (THD) directly. For some requirements of ENERGY STAR, users need to verify the THD of AC supply voltage not to exceed 2%, up to and including the 13th harmonic. The Model 66202 also provides a function to define a user-specify distortion order n for measuring harmonic distortion.

Chroma - 66202 Digital Power Measurement

Users can set a current level for triggering the starting point of measurement. Another parameter, Delay, it can help users to ignore the peak value B after the trigger point A. The parameter, T, can let users set a time period for measuring the peak value C during Time T.

Chroma - 66202 Measurement Trigger

66200 Series provides a graphic and easy-use operation software. Not only the measured value, it shows voltage/current waveform, parameters – time relative charts. The Recording function lets users save data to a file for long time measurement. So, it is easy to meet ENERGY STAR measurement requirement that accumulating true power values at an interval of 1 reading per second and record the average (arithmetic mean) value observed during 5 minute period. This software also can do pre-compliance test for standard IEC61000-3-2 current harmonic limitation.

Chroma - 66202 Soft Panel

Another Average Efficiency Test Software integrates Chroma's AC Source, electronic DC Load and 66202 power meter for testing average efficiency of power supplies automatically. Users can set the loading and test steps on the software. After finishing the test, it will generate the result and testing report.

Power Meter Soft Panels

An optional test fixture A662003 (250V/15A) is provided to let users connect cables easily. Users can choose an external Current Transformer 50A/100A to extend the current measurement range on model 66202.
Chroma - A662003 (250V/15A) Test Fixture

Resource & Download

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