Rohde-schwarz- Signal Source Analyzer (Model:R&S®FSUP)

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Lưu ý: Tham khảo ý kiến của nhân viên INO sẽ giúp bạn tiết kiệm được thời gian và chi phí khi cần mua sắm. ​​Với sự tư vấn của chúng tôi, bạn sẽ không gặp khó khăn khi tìm hiểu về đặc tính của sản phẩm cần mua.

Key Facts

  • Frequency range up to 8 GHz, 26.5 GHz or 50 GHz (up to 110 GHz with external mixers)
  • Maximum dynamic range through cross-correlation
  • Analysis of settling in time domain
  • Oscillator characterization
  • Detection, suppression and listing of interference
  • Maximum flexibility for phase noise measurements
  • Low-noise source for supply and tuning voltages
  • Analysis of signals with digital and analog modulation

Features & Benefits

  • Highly flexible phase noise tester with versatile measurement capabilities

    • Phase detector method with internal/external reference
    • Two-DUT method
    • High sensitivity
    • Automatic setting of all important parameters
    • Easy operation
    • Detection, suppression and listing of interference
    • Measurement of reference points as a function of frequency
    • Measurement of residual phase noise
    • AM noise
  • Maximum dynamic range through cross-correlation

    • Sensitivity improved by up to 20 dB
    • Cross-correlation up to 50 GHz in a single box
  • Unique combination of phase noise tester and spectrum analyzer

    • Measurement of phase noise using the spectrum analyzer method
    • Typical spectrum measurements such as ACP or interference search
    • Measurement of noise figure using the R&S®FSUP
  • Analysis in the time domain

    • Transient response of oscillators
  • Characteristics at the push of a button

    • Low-noise voltage source for supply and tuning voltages
    • Complete characterization of oscillators
  • Analysis of digital and analog modulated signals

    • General vector signal analysis of digitally modulated signals
    • Special analysis options for digital communications standards
    • Analysis of analog modulated signals (AM/FM/φM)

Brief Description

The R&S®FSUP is a highly flexible phase noise tester with versatile measurement capabilities that combines the scope of functions of a high-end signal and spectrum analyzer with the benefits of a phase-noise-only tester.


Condensed Data
Operating modes signal source analyzer 1 MHz to 8/26.5/50 GHz
spectrum analyzer 20 Hz to 8/26.5/50 GHz
Signal source analyzer
Phase noise measurement with spectrum analyzer 10 MHz to 8/26.5/50 GHz
with phase comparator 1 MHz to 8/26.5/50 GHz
internal reference 1 MHz to 8/26.5/50 GHz
external reference 1 MHz to 8 GHz
with phase comparator and cross-correlation 1 MHz to 8/26 GHz/50 GHz
max. frequency offset 30 MHz
Residual noise with phase comparator 1 MHz to 8 GHz (with internal phase detector)
AM noise specified frequency range of AM diode detector
Sensitivity with internal reference and internal phase detector
Input level >+10 dBm, spurious and harmonics <–30 dBc, mode "averaged", +20 °C to +30 °C. LNA gain 40 dB, loop bandwidth ≤10 × frequency offset, max. 1 kHz. With the R&S®FSUP-B60 low phase noise option and the R&S®FSUP-B61 correlation extension option.
Typical values
Frequency offset Input frequency, values in dBc (1 Hz) R&S®FSUP8/26/50 R&S®FSUP26/50 R&S®FSUP50
5 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 1 GHz 3 GHz 7 GHz 10 GHz 20 GHz 40 GHz
1 Hz -114 -116 -87 -75 -62 -55 -52 -48 -42
10 Hz -136 -135 -110 -91 -87 -80 -77 -71 -65
100 Hz -143 -146 -134 -115 -106 -97 -95 -89 -83
1 kHz -157 -161 -160 -134 -123 -118 -116 -112 -106
10 kHz -165 -168 -168 -143 -131 -129 -126 -120 -114
100 kHz -171 -170 -176 -158 -139 -140 -138 -132 -126
1 MHz -175 -177 -165 -160 -155 -150 -146 -140
10 MHz -179 -172 -170 -170 -167 -161 -155
30 MHz -179 -172 -170 -170 -170 -165 -159
VCO parameter characterization
Measurement parameters VCO tuning characteristic, VCO tuning slope,
power, pushing ON/OFF, harmonics measurement,
VCO DC characteristic, summary
Frequency range R&S®FSUP8 10 MHz to 8 GHz
R&S®FSUP26 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz
R&S®FSUP50 10 MHz to 50 GHz
Power supplies tuning ports 2
DC ports 2
additional ports 1
Lưu ý: Nếu một thiết bị nào đó không được liệt kê ở đây, điều đó không có nghĩa rằng chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn về thiết bị đó. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết danh sách đầy đủ về thiết bị mà chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ và cung cấp.
INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 02873000184 | Rohde-schwarz- Signal Source Analyzer (Model:R&S®FSUP).

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