Signal Recovery- Light Choppers (Model:650 Series)

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The model 651-1 uses the standard head.  This is a dual port design allowing two optical beams to be modulated simultaneously at different frequencies, f1 and f2.  Two reference (sync) outputs are made available at the control unit, corresponding to f1 and f2, for use with signal recovery processing electronics, such as a lock-in amplifier.

Two small blanking plates are provided with the standard head and one of these allows either the top port or the bottom port to be blanked off to reduce the effect of any stray light passing through the unused path.  The second plate provides some measure of beam restriction when using large diameter beams on the higher frequency (and therfore smaller aperture) port.  The standard head is supplied complete with a flat base plate to allow it to be used in a free standing mode on a bench type surface.  A special feature of this support allows the head to be used in the horizontal plane for modulating vertical beams.  The base plate can be removed and standard optical mounting posts employed instead if preferred. 

  • Remote chopper heads
  • Quartz crystal frequency accuracy and stability
  • Internal or external frequency reference
  • Sync outputs
  • Choice of 3 models
  • Fully enclosed housings for safety and low noise
  • Optical absorption, reflection and transmission measurements
  • Dual-beam ratiometric measurements
  • Automatic background subtraction in boxcar averager experiments

The 650 series of light choppers features a control box with separate chopping heads for remote operation.



Dual-aperture remote head chopper with internal or external reference frequency.  Two sync outputs.


     outer sector

     inter sector

10 Hz to 3200 Hz

100 HZ to 3200 Hz
10 Hz to 320 Hz



Digital push-button

Application of 0.5 V to 10 V pk-pk sine or squarewave.  100 Hz to 3200 Hz to EXT SYNC BNC connector

Internal Frequency

±30 ppm at 25 ºC
±50 ppm/ ºC (range 10 ºC to 30 ºC)

Jitter (measured pk-pk and presented as a % of a full cycle)
     outer sector
      100 to 200 Hz
      200 to 400 Hz
      400 to 2500 Hz
      2500 to 3200 Hz

     inner sector
      10 to 20 Hz
      20 to 40 Hz
      40 to 250 Hz
      250 to 320 Hz


blade only: 0.2%; blade + electronics: <7%
blade only: 0.2%; blade + electronics: <4%
blade only: 0.2%; blade + electronics: <1.5%
blade only: 0.2%; blade + electronics: <2%

blade only: 0.2%; blade + electronics: <0.7%
blade only: 0.2%; blade + electronics: <0.4%
blade only: 0.2%; blade + electronics: <0.2%
blade only: 0.3%; blade + electronics: <0.3%

Lock indication

green LED when locked – can be extinguished

Setting Time

<40 s nominal


Sync Out 1

10 V pk-pk squarewave at outer sector chopping frequency, 100-3200 Hz

Sync Out 2

10 V pk-pk squarewave at inter sector chopping frequency – 10-320 Hz




10 kΩ.  Note that although the output voltage is 10 v pk-pk, the high output impedance means that the outputs can be directly connected to the external reference input of any SIGNAL RECOVERY lock-in amplifier without causing problems.


Power Requirements

110 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 220/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz supply.  State which voltage is required when ordering



     Chopper head, overall, inc.
     base and feet

61/2" (168 mm)
31/4" (79 mm)
91/2" (236 mm)

43/4" (122 mm)
6" (150 mm)
23/4" (72 mm)


Model 653a

2 m (6'6") extension cable

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | 02873000184 | Signal Recovery- Light Choppers (Model:650 Series).

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