Data Acquisition news

Shorten Time Between Data Acquisition and

National Instruments

Shorten Time Between Data Acquisition and Decision Without an organized approach to data management, the time it takes to manage data costs more than the investment made to acquire it. DIAdem is software specifically designed to help engineers and scientists quickly locate, inspect, analyze, and report on measurement data using one software tool. View white paper.

Customized Frequency to Voltage

Encore Electronics, Inc.

Customized Frequency to Voltage Converters Encore model FL228 is a wide band, analog frequency to voltage converter. It is a no-frills Din Rail unit with fixed frequency range and noise discrimination level. External trimpot controls allow adjustment of output offset and fullscale voltage. This model can be customized to fit your specific requirements.

Contact Encore Electronics today.

Connect DAQ Cards to Any Computer


Connect DAQ Cards to Any Computer Connect specialized data acquisition cards to laptops or desktops with a Magma expansion chassis. Magma provides PCI and PCI Express slots in an external chassis that connects through an interface card, laptop ExpressCard or PCMCIA. Now you can attach from 1 to 13 data acquisition cards to practically any computer!

Noise and Vibration Analyzer —
Ultraportable OR34


Noise and Vibration Analyzer — Ultraportable OR34 OR34 is the compact real-time multi-analyzer that integrates the best of noise and vibration analysis technology in an ultra mobile instrument. Weighing less than 1.4 kg (3 lbs), OR34 is the lightest analyzer of its class and can be carried easily along with your laptop for intensive use. From OROS.

Delivering Solutions . . .
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150 DAQ Products Under $500
Measurement Computing

150 DAQ products under $500 Starting at only $49, MCC offers USB, Ethernet, PCI, and stand-alone DAQ products for analog I/O, digital I/O, temperature, and more. Free technical support, unmatched warranties, and included software and drivers make MCC the Value Leader for Data Acquisition. Learn more at

Data Acquisition Software . . .
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When Control Variables Multiply

When Control Variables Multiply While the proportional — integral — derivative (PID) algorithm is considered the mainstay of the factory automation and controls industry, this article notes that it does have drawbacks. For example, it is a single-input, single-output process. Advanced Process Control (APC), by contrast, can handle several variables simultaneously. Take a quick look at two case-study examples of organizations that have successfully dealt with complex, multivariate processes.

SCADA Attack Tool to be Upgraded

SCADA Attack Tool to be Upgraded A Russian security company is upgrading its exploit pack for SCADA industrial control software. The software pack contains many new vulnerabilities recently uncovered by an Italian security researcher. Exploit tools such as this one are commonly used by penetration testers, to check for susceptibility to just such exploits. The move represents a recent focus on vulnerabilities in industrial controls and data acquisition systems.

Digital & Analog I/O Modules . . .
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Data Collection Without the Wires

Data Collection Without the Wires Make it easier to gather widespread data — cut the wires. Multiple interfaces on this low-power, wireless data communication module for sensors support all types of sensors. The module utilizes the 868/915 MHz frequency band for data communication and uses the 6lowpan (IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks) networking protocol. IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) provides data encryption and authentication.

Selectable Speed or Precision

Selectable Speed or Precision There are low-cost ADCs, but few also provide high performance, such as high precision or high sampling rates. The top model in this family of ADCs offers 12-bit resolution at up to 640 Msps in "high-speed" mode, and 14-bits up to 105 Msps in "precision" mode.

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New Multi-function Data Acquisition System

CAS Data Loggers

New Multi-function Data Acquisition System The ExpertKey System from CAS solves many problems with analog inputs for most types of sensors, analog outputs, digital I/O, counters and PWM outputs in portable/benchtop or rackmount packages with USB and Ethernet interfaces. It's supplied with ProfiSignal software for configuration and analysis plus drivers for many standard programming environments.

RS232 and TCP/IP Data into Windows
or Web

TAL Technologies, Inc.

RS232 and TCP/IP Data into Windows or Web WinWedge software inputs RS232 or TCP/IP data directly into MS Excel or any Windows or web-based application. It easily collects data from balances, gages, meters, analyzers, sensors, PLCs, and other serial or networkable instruments and devices. To automate your device data entry call 800-722-6004 or visit

Signal & Data Conversion . . .
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For Real? All-digital ADCs?

For Real? All-digital ADCs? It seems almost axiomatic that an analog-to-digital converter must have some analog circuitry. Not necessarily, say these authors. Their firm offers an all-digital IP (intellectual property) core that can be implemented in an FPGA or ASIC. The article and accompanying video address how this approach dramatically simplifies the interface between the ADC and the rest of the system.

ADC Trends in Panel Meters

ADC Trends in Panel Meters Designers of digital panel meters often use integrating ADCs in their applications, owing to familiarity and wide availability. Although integrating ADCs are well suited to the job, this app note points out that delta-sigma ADCs are also well-matched to the requirements, and don't require the external precision components that integrating types need.

Signal Conditioning Components & Systems . . .
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Some Like it Hot

Some Like it Hot Using standard, commercial-grade electronic components in extremely hot, harsh environments can shorten their lives and raise repair or replacement costs. As this video relates, this precision instrumentation amplifier is the first to be guaranteed to operate at up to 210 C in extreme environments. As such, it can be used in applications such as down-hole drilling in oil exploration, jet engines, and similar harsh environments.

Speeding Automotive Engine Control

Speeding Automotive Engine Control Development Geared to automotive designers engaged in projects such as transmission controller development, powertrain electrification, and fuel consumption improvements, this modular signal conditioning and power stage hardware for rapid control prototyping (RCP) supports real-time testing and integration of control strategies on a computer. It is also applicable to industrial and aerospace settings. Scalable, compact packaging and hardware flexibility are key features.

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Introducing the CC-3000 Computer
Interface Full Data Logger

RainWise, Inc.

Introducing the CC-3000 Computer Interface Full Data Logger A full data logger with: integrated radio; fast USB or RS-232; 2 MB of flash memory; NiMH battery backup; inside temperature; 25 MHz high-speed processor; software updates through your computer; supports English and metric units; new command protocol; expansion port.

Isolated 16-bit Analog PCI Express
Input Board

Contec Microelectronics U.S.A., Inc.

Isolated 16-bit Analog PCI Express Input Board The Isolated 16-bit Analog PCI Express Input Board provides isolation between PC and external analog I/O circuit. It carries buffer memory for 1K of data, allowing sampling to be performed in a variety of trigger/clock conditions. Windows/Linux driver and full-fledged data logger software is included. From Contec Microelectronics U.S.A., Inc.

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